Learning lessons from LEGO and a masterclass from Mr Men
There are many ways to find a suitable candidate.
The trusty old application form and one-on-one interview has its place – but for some employers it’s just not enough.
Some companies want to see how you are under pressure or to uncover a bit more about your personality than a simple question-and-answer session.
Take LEGO for example. In this interview with Cosmopolitan, they admit that one aspect of the interview process is asking candidates to build LEGO. Naturally, it is a good way to get them to show they know, understand and like the product. But the Director of HR also reveals they want to see “how willing they are to be vulnerable”.
Many people stumble over the question ‘What is Your Weakness?’. But throw a blank canvas of LEGO into the interview equation and it could certainly tell you a lot about a candidate – both good and bad.
It wasn’t our children who got us thinking about LEGO. It was in fact UK shoe repair and key-cutting business Timpson.
The BBC ran this fab story about the business’ rather unique way of recruiting new staff – with a little help from the Mr Men characters!
Interviewing almost purely on personality, prospective employers need to resemble Mr Cheerful rather than Mr Slow.
John Timpson, company owner, says that that while you can train someone to do a job, you cannot train their personality.
And surely that is a lesson for any interviewee. Whether you have the best CV or a work-in-practice, it is nothing if you don’t have the right attitude.
So which one are you…?
For more advice on interviews and questions, visit https://www.tailormaderesources.co.uk/advice.