New Year Goals
New Year, New You, New Goals?
Goal Setting for the Year Ahead
So, it’s a new year! For many it’s a time when a line in the sand is drawn on the past year, and a fresh start is made. It’s a time of year for reflection, looking at what we did well, what we didn’t do well, where we want to be in the next year and setting new visions and goals for the year ahead.
It’s likely that a lot of us have some sort of a New Year’s resolution. Something we would like to give up or something to take up and to try, something we’d like to achieve or something to do better (or at least say we’ve tried).
Whether it’s eat healthier, lose weight, get fit, run 10K, give up alcohol, stop smoking, find a new job, see family and friends more, be more positive, set new business goals – the list could go on.
In all honesty we don’t actually need a new year to make a change to our life or our habits. But, there’s something about NYE that makes us reflect upon the year that’s just gone by and can make us think “right, tomorrow is the day, I’m going to {insert your resolution here)”.
Although New Year’s resolutions are probably very similar, they are in fact very personal to the individual.
Undoubtedly, we can be unrealistic with our resolutions and it’s very possible we’re all guilty of over-egging and under achieving or feeling like we’ve failed. If only it was possible to lose 4 stone by the end of January hey!
Our resolutions can be vague and totally unrealistic, and this is why they need to be set as a ‘goal’ and be time specific.
A ‘goal’ is something we want to do or to achieve and can be time specific. Deciding on a ‘goal’ and setting tasks, making changes and carrying out certain actions in a time frame, to work towards achieving the end ‘goal’ – makes your goal seem so much more achievable than just ‘wanting to lose weight’. Make sure you have progress checks, that can be adapted if necessary, and are time specific.
For example, losing 4 stone in 4 weeks is obviously very unrealistic. However, setting a weight-loss goal, for say over a 6-month time period, with an end date, makes this for more achievable. This ‘goal’ can be broken down into attainable smaller goals, with actionable tasks, measurable targets and results. i.e. To lose a stone in 4 weeks can be broken down into a weekly calorie deficit goal.
Whatever your new year’s resolution may be, see them as a ‘goal’ that you’re working towards. Something you really want to achieve.
Remember, set your goal – so that it is measurable and time specific.
Break your resolutions down into SMART goals – which make them a lot easier to tackle, sustain and achieve.
S – Specific – Concrete goal or steps…. for example, ‘lose weight’ vs ‘lose a stone’.
M – Measurable – Consider how much? How many? How will I know?
A – Attainable – Clearly thought out steps to accomplish your goal – what actions, is it realistic, and achievable?
R – Relevant – Relevant to you and worthwhile? Is the time, right? Are the resources available? Require just your or other people’s effort?
T – Time specific – Set a time for the goals to be achieved by. Start and end date so you have a clear vision.
SMART goals help you to be clear and well defined and not unrealistic and to not feel like you’ve failed at the first hurdle.
Whether your goal is health, fitness, family, work or career related, try and follow the SMART system and plan out our ‘goal’.
Career Goals
If you’re looking at setting a new career goal for 2020, whatever it is, whether it’s to;
- Improve your job satisfaction;
- Increase your salary;
- Looking to move jobs for career progression;
- Up-skill;
- Learn a new skill;
- Change career direction;
do consider the following in your goal setting and planning:
Increase knowledge and training – Can help with job search and career progression. If you want to up-skill or even retrain, do you need a College course to become qualified/get certification? Can this be done online/distance learning. Is there funding available.
Increase earnings – Earning more can of course increase enthusiasm for a job but this may not be the sole answer. Is it travel time, travel method, hours, flexibility and work-life-balance getting you down?
Improve working relationships – So that communication and daily experience is more positive. Is information shared with staff? Are there social gatherings, networking events available? Could you start one?
New experiences – Have you considered volunteering/community groups?
These are just a few thought-provoking work-related elements to help you get motivated for setting your career goals for the year.
Whatever your work and career goals, remember to make them SMART.
Here’s some Top Tips for Achieving Your Goal
- Write all the steps down
- Set deadlines
- Review your progress and make changes if needs be
- Don’t be too hard on yourself
- Reward yourself
- Have a goal partner
If you need any help with your food industry career or advice on setting your New Year goals for your roles in food manufacturing and fresh produce, please do get in touch with us.